Go Forward In Faith

Hey y’all. I know it’s been a while but here we are again. I wanted to share a word with you all that I believe is timely, in hopes that it will bless those who read it. Go Forward In Faith!!!

First, lets start off by defining FAITH. According to Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The central feature of faith is confidence or trust and is the conviction of the truth of anything, belief. Just as our physical eyesight is one of the senses that gives us evidence of the material world, faith is the sense that gives us evidence of the invisible, spiritual world. So in other words, you can’t see it, YET, and if you could see it right now, you would not need faith. Somebody catch it, ok. The very thing that you have been praying about and praying for, can’t be seen in the physical yet but you know that you know that you know that you know that there will be tangible evidence of that very thing because of who God is. In this hour it is imperative that we trust in, rely on and cling to our faith. The battle and the warfare has been about your faith. Because if the enemy can steal it or destroy it then he knows that he can delay you from your destiny. If the enemy can sow seeds of doubt and cause you to speak against the very thing that you have been contending for, then he knows that he can rob you from God’s promise. But the devil is a lie. God did not bring you this far just to leave you or forsake you. He has a great plan and a future for you. And He wants us to go forward in faith. Understand this though, if you move by your natural eyesight and go off of what you currently see, you will miss it. Because this next move is going to require FAITH. A new dimension of faith!!!

If you are being tripped up, in your mind, ruminating on the past, this word is for you. If you are discouraged or disappointed in how things are going in your life, this word is for you. If you have lost your way and can’t seem to focus, your thoughts are wavering, then this word is for you…GO FORWARD IN FAITH. The discouragement is breaking and that cloud of confusion is clearing up. It’s time to get your fight back and get your head in the game. As cliche’ as it may seem, you are truly on the brink of your greatest breakthrough and this is how you will know:

  1. Resistance has picked up

  2. Increased burden

  3. Separated for consecration

  4. Everything is contrary to what God promised

  5. The enemy is planting seeds of doubt

  6. Distractions have increased to get you off focus

  7. Attacks and temptations

  8. Cycles of doubt and belief

  9. Feelings of being held back

If any of the above resonates with you, you are not crazy..it is the enemies last attempt to stop you from crossing over and breaking through. For every fiery dart being sent your way, you need the shield of faith-a protective barrier that will guard against the schemes of Satan and the flaming darts of the enemy. You go forward in faith by:

  1. standing on the Scriptures, being sure of God and His word

  2. opening your mouth; decree and declare a thing so that it can be established

  3. combating the lies of the enemy with the truth in God’s word

  4. calling those things that are not as though they were

Don’t let up. Do not throw in the towel. This is your set time and this is your season!!! Trust that God will move for you this month, July 2024. Believe big and know that He has your best interest at heart. Make room for the very thing that you have been praying for. Activate your faith. Go forward.

-Sheena M.