Sheena found her purpose after several years of running from the truth and repressing her childhood hurt and pain. Her parents divorced when she was 16 years old, which ultimately, negatively impacted her views about life. As a means to escape years of childhood trauma and lack of identity, she began to look for herself and for corrective experiences, in all the wrong people, places and things. As the years passed, she excelled in academia, however, her relationships grew more unsuccessful and more toxic. Hurt eventually turned into anger, fear, shame, guilt, hopelessness and numbness. She hit a low point in her life (mentally and emotionally) shortly after the passing of her mother in 2012, and succumbed to a very dark place after the birth of her son in 2013 (where she was diagnosed with post partum depression). It was then when she realized that she could no longer operate in her own strength because everything she tried and did on her own, failed! It wasn't until she surrendered and asked God "to help her and take control," that she realized serious inner work and healing was needed. She was fully aware that it wouldn't be easy but she understood that it was a priority. She fully accepted Christ and gave God her YES and allowed Him to do a work in her and through her. After going through the process of inner healing and deliverance she began to see herself from a healthy lens and was open to the transformation and mind renewal that would lead her to finding her true identity, in Christ. The pieces of her life appeared to be shattered and scattered but she was open to the process and ready to partner with God; He began to pick up the broken pieces, put them back together and this is when she began to truly love herself so that she could walk boldly into her destiny and become the best version of herself that God designed and called her to be. She traded in her ashes for a crown of beauty, and God took her brokenness and turned it into something brand new!
What She Does:
Sheena is currently an Occupational Therapist near Dallas, Texas, a life coach and a mental health advocate/therapist, dedicated to helping individuals recover from life's challenges, traumas and set-backs. In 2014, after a challenging and emotional life changing event of her own, she had an encounter with God that changed her life and confirmed her calling: To equip, encourage. educate and empower believer’s to become the best version of themselves by walking into the fullness of who they were created to be. Sheena is graced and mantled in inner healing and deliverance and is passionate about seeing the captives set free. Additionally, she continues to provide 1:1 sessions and masterclasses for clients, along with advocating and promoting mental health and wellness as she continues to advance her career and assignment as a Therapist and Certified Life Coach.