Heeeyyyy y’all, welcome back. Here we are with another weekly blog post and this week I feel led to blog about the importance of connections, God ordained connections, or synergistic relationships!! I believe that this topic is important because our associations matter. The people we decide to align with or be in covenant with, matters. And furthermore, whom we choose to connect with, impacts our destiny!! So, let’s get right in to it, shall we.

What is synergy? Synergy is defined as: when two (or more) people come together to create a greater contribution together than they would independently; co-creating (fruitful) outcomes; a connection where each person inquires about the other beyond the surface level; when two (or more) people become combined they produce a total effect that is greater then the sum of the individual ( In simple terms, synergistic relationships include: working together as a team toward purpose/assignment, having each other’s back (this includes holding one another accountable, correcting each other in love, pushing one another towards God’s will and purpose, and operating in harmony). Two synonyms for synergy include: harmony and union. Stay with me, because this week’s blog is going to set some people free from relationships and connections that are detrimental to your destiny. Stay with me, because this week’s blog is going to bring clarity and insight into what meaningful relationships look like. Now, let’s dive in to the definition of superficial: concerned with or comprehending only what is on the surface or what is obvious; shallow; insignificant; not profound or thorough; apparent rather than real ( Did you catch that last definition though…apparent (or according to appearances) rather than real. Take some time to dissect those definitions and begin to reflect on your relationships/close connections. Do they fall under the category of synergistic or superficial?

Now we are going to unpack what synergistic relationships look like, or what they entail. Let’s get in to it. Synergistic relationships:

  1. Encourage greater faithfulness: they urge you to obey God’s word and to seek and follow God in EVERY way, in every area of your life. The person/people understand that obedience (and reverence) to God keeps you within the borders of His perfect will.

  2. Are character driven: they are full of depth related to personal integrity and Christian character that will not allow disingenuous behavior or ways. When you spend time around people who are living according to high standards, you will want to live by their values and will have support in doing so.

  3. Will defend you: if a person does not know your heart or trust your character enough to stand up for you when others speak against you, that person does not add value to your life and that person may only know you on a surface level; there cannot be a healthy relationship where there is no true revelation of character and heart intent.

  4. Love God more than they love you: they put God first and love you enough to correct you and redirect you; they are not nearly concerned about pleasing you as they are about helping you please God (they will not coddle your sin for the sake of your comfort). Individuals who honor God and spend their lives developing an ever-deepening relationship with Him, make the best kinds of friends/relationships/partners. They will speak the truth in love, storm heaven on your behalf when you need God’s help and will stay loyal to you through life’s ups and downs.

  5. Urge you to sow: friends who bring synergy to your life understand that sowing is the only way to tap into God’s abundant supply (this is bigger than sowing money, by the way, stay with me). They encourage you to sow your time, energy, finances and other resources into worthy people, places, and activities because they desire to see you experience the exponential benefits that result from generous, heartfelt giving.

  6. Are committed to your future and your destiny, not your past: there are yesterday people, today people and tomorrow people…be intentional with identifying tomorrow people because they will surely be the ones to usher you into your destiny.

  7. Help you live a life of gratitude: they understand that gratitude and thankfulness are a never-fail way to guarantee that you are in the will of God; they understand that God responds to gratitude and a thankful heart, showing thankfulness and gratitude for all God has done, all He is doing and all that He will do is a sure way to unlock His favor over your life. Godly success will chase you down when you surround yourself with people who motivate you to be thankful.

So, what do you think? Amos 3:3 puts it this way, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” Understand this, you do not have to settle for superficial relationships. God desires to place you in relationships that are full of SYNERGY!! But you get to choose who you stay connected too. Just as God sends people into our lives, the devil also sends people. But the enemies agenda when he sends people, is to derail you from your destiny, keep you in bondage to sin and to delay you from all that God has stored up for you. Again, your connections matter.

Don’t settle. The days of accommodating superficial and shallow relationships for convenience and comfort are over, as many are waking up and realizing that what they used to desire (and the appetites of old) are no longer healthy or beneficial-and have actually become a burden. The superficial relationships are no longer fulfilling and some of the connections fall in to the category of fake-the veil has been ripped and there was truly no realness. This does not mean that the past or expired relationships didn’t serve a purpose, but it means that God is ushering you into a new season that will require you to be surrounded by individuals that will not only pray for you but that will push you into God’s next and best for you. Some connections/relationships require a transition to there proper placement (or a repositioning: to stop going the way the relationship had been going, turn, and move in a different direction-more on transition/repositioning in the near future perhaps).

Understand this, God desires for you to be CONNECTED to people that will CATAPULT you into a new place of GREATNESS, for His GLORY. He is calling forth like minded unions and partnerships that will be full of integrity, faith-filled and healthy. This will require you to stretch, as some relationships will have to be released or repositioned, because they are a potential threat to your destiny. Be obedient. And believe in faith that what God removes, He will surely replace-and it will be RICH (full of value and worth), REWARDING and full of RECIPROCITY.

Prayer: Lord prepare our hearts for Your very best when it comes to the area of relationships/friendships/partnerships. Give us the courage and strength to release what is toxic and unhealthy, as we make room for destiny helpers. Thank you for solid, faith filled connections, where You get the glory. Thank you for prayer partners that bombard heaven on our behalf, behind the scenes. Thank you for pure hearted, purpose filled connections, that encourage us to be obedient to You and Your will for our lives. We pray for eyes to see the people that you have placed in our path for the purpose of synergistic relationships. We don’t take it lightly that you consider even our connections, so we thank you. We pray for the discernment to know who needs to be repositioned and for discernment to know who is sent by You. We plead the blood of Jesus over every connection that is ordained by You and we pray for wisdom in knowing how to maintain these relationships sent by You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

I pray this week’s blog post was one filled with clarity and insight into synergistic relationships. Please feel free to comment and/or share this blog post with family and friends. Thank you in advance.

-Sincerely, Sheena M.