Heeeeyyyy y’all!! And welcome back. I pray that all has been well with you. We are back with another blog post and this week I feel led to dive deeper in to a very important acquisition…WISDOM.
Proverbs 4:7 tells us that, “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding -NKJV.” Did you catch it? Wisdom is the principal thing and just as important as wisdom, is getting an understanding. Sit with that for a minute.
There is security in wisdom. And there are benefits of getting wisdom. When I mention wisdom here, I want to be clear, this is not wordly wisdom but this is godly wisdom. As Kingdom citizens we should have a high regard on wisdom, more so than money, or fame. We should value and honor wisdom and not take the bait of valuing and honoring worldly things.
According to Strong’s Concordance, Wisdom in Hebrew is hakma and it means: skill (in war), wisdom in (administration), shrewdness, prudence and wisdom (ethical and religious), skillful, and wisely. The definition of wisdom per Dictionary.com means: the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. Synonyms for wisdom include: insight, perception, acuity, discernment, and understanding. You see how Proverbs 4:7 uses wisdom and understanding, right? Just hold on, I am going somewhere with this…
True wisdom is God’s gift and we are commanded to get it. We are encouraged to search for wisdom and guard it continually. Why? Because godly wisdom is a treasure and the Lord is a giver of true wisdom and this includes correct application- knowing what to do with what you know!!! Somebody needs to read that again, it’s knowing what to do with what you know (understanding). Because listennnnnnnnn here. You can have all the knowledge in the world but without wisdom (the principal thing) that knowledge is dangerous and can be destructive. When we don’t know how to use the knowledge, we lack wisdom. Point. Blank. Period.
…And with all your getting, get understanding. Now more than ever, we must have understanding hearts (let me be clear, an understanding heart is NOT a pass for demonic compassion- that’s a topic for another time, let’s continue), or a heart filled with wisdom. The beginning of Proverbs makes it very plain for us, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, this is where it starts. A Holy and Healthy Reverence (fear) for the Lord (reverence: a deep respect, and awe for God, not a literal fear, but rather a profound understanding of God's power and authority, leading to a desire to obey and live according to His will). Let’s take a real quick pause and a deep breath *pause here for a few seconds*… I hope this is making sense because there are some of you that have been relying on your own knowledge, what you know (a head knowledge of the Lord) but you are closed off and guarded when it comes to understanding the heart of God (which is wisdom and entails obedience, reverence + loving what He loves and hating what He hates). Somebody please read that again because I truly pray and believe that you will be set free on a heart level when it comes to the things of the Lord. Let me put it this way, you can know Him (a head knowledge: like a childhood nursery rhyme learned by rote or repetition) but be missing out on Him, at a heart level because you lack wisdom and reverence) which has you in holding pattern, no progress, a soul full of poison and repeating painful cycles. If that resonates with you, please know that this is not a space for condemnation; allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you so that the chains can be removed from your heart, so that you can be set free from despising wisdom and correction, TODAY!! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Some of you may be asking, what does this mean? Why do I need wisdom, how does this apply to my life or to my current season or situation. Here is what you need to know…wisdom is needed now more than ever because it’s time for acceleration and advancement. God is doing a new thing. And you will be stuck because of your head knowledge concerning Him and you will miss His heart concerning how He is moving in the earth and His current plans for you, your family etc. In other words, get out of your head and let Him in to your heart!!
When it comes down to the principal thing, I want to be clear, you won’t only need wisdom, a wise person (that has godly wisdom at the forefront of their heart) also understands that reverence and obedience are necessary because the Lord wants to do a work in you and through you; He desires to purge you from the ways of the world and propel you into the purpose and plan that He has for you. Take heed and consider the following:
1. Sow intentionally, according to the Spirit, not the flesh (the seeds you plant will spring up speedily-good or bad, depending on the seeds you sow- this is not just referring to financial seed)
2. Stop focusing on what it currently looks like; you are being STRETCHED, leveling up to a new dimension of FAITH
3. Spend much needed time in the secret place; don’t neglect your time there
4. Self control (a fruit of the spirit): don’t be easily offended and be quick to repent
5. February is a SIGNIFICANT month, with a SPECIAL grace…don’t compromise or allow carnality to creep in and sweep away the harvest and have you back operating from a head knowledge
I pray that this helped and provided clarity and instruction on the importance of wisdom for your now and next season.
How do you plan to steward wisdom from here on out? Let me know in the comments below.
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Be blessed!
-Sincerely, Sheena M.